Cuddelink cameras
How to integrate Cuddelink cameras to our Animl camera trap management platform
More information on Cuddelink cameras on their site
Integration with Animl
Log into your Cuddeback account management portal and do the following:
Set Cam IDs on every camera - when new images come into the Animl backend, it needs to figure out which Project they belong to. How this works is users "register" a list of all their wireless cameras' Serial Numbers (or some other unique identifier) to their project using the Animl user, and when a new image gets sent to Animl, it looks at the images' metadata and then routes it to the correct Project. For Cuddebacks, Animl looks at their "Cam ID" field to figure out which camera an image came from, but by default Cam IDs are not set, so you'll need set Cam ID on every camera using the Cuddeback portal.
To set Cam IDs, log into the portal (, and for each camera that you want integrated, click "Details" -> "Device Settings" and then for each listed connected camera, click "View/Edit" and then fill in the CAM ID field (see attached screenshot) and click "Save".
NOTE: the Cam IDs need to be unique not just to your Project but unique to all other cameras registered to Animl. So we recommend using something like "<Project/Team Name>-cuddelink-<number>" or something along those lines. . Also avoid spaces, special characters, and capital letters. We recommend not including too much location-specific descriptors in your Cam IDs, as the cameras may be moved elsewhere over time and the Cam IDs should ideally not be changed. If you want to represent more human-readable, location-related descriptors to help determine which camera is which, you can do so later on by creating Deployments for the Camera in Animl. More information on Deployments can be found in the Animl Documentation:
Make sure the Cuddelink relay emails are being sent to This can be set by clicking "Details" on each camera in your portal homepage, clicking "Edit", and adding the email address to "Relay Email Addresses" and clicking "Save".
Last updated